While my pregnancy was the result of a one of the biggest betrayals I’ve experienced, I don’t regret it and never will.
My name is Stacy. I placed my child for adoption more than two years ago. I’m telling my story now because I want others to know that even after all this time, I still believe it was the right decision. Don’t get me wrong, I love my child and I didn’t “want” to make an adoption plan, however, it was the best decision for her.
You see, my unplanned pregnancy occurred when the guy I was seeing told me he had a vasectomy. It didn’t take long to discover he lied.
Given the seriousness of his deception, I knew he wouldn’t be around to help me raise the child. Regardless of what he said. I was scared, even terrified. I wasn’t financially able to provide for another child and I did not want to bring another child into the world without a father involved in his or her life.
I know how not having a father involved affected my son. I didn’t want to do this to another child.
My mom called one day. She had done some research and suggested that I call an adoption agency. All she said to me was that they seemed to be really nice people and thought I might want to call them to see what they had to say.
The number was for Graceful Adoptions.
The call to Graceful Adoptions changed everything. I no longer felt shame or scared. I immediately felt very comfortable. I was part of a team working together in the best interests of my child, yet the decisions were mine to make. We built a great relationship and they got to know the real me. At one point I interviewed a prospective adoptive family, however, something didn’t feel right. I was mulling things over and didn’t say anything. A few days later I received additional family profiles to consider. Graceful Adoptions sensed my needs and wants – even before I spoke them.
It was because of their commitment and dedication to me that I trusted them with my daughter’s life.
The same time and attention they provided me, they invested in helping me select the best adoptive parents. There was just something about my daughter’s parents. They are down to earth, your normal average family. No pretense. No judgement. They saw me as a person rather than someone who was giving them a child. Years later, I still receive updates from them. When I see pictures of her smiling, I know placing her for adoption was the right thing to do for her.
I’ve given my daughter and a family the most amazing gift possible – a family.
Stacy F.
Detroit, MI