My name is Megan, I’m 26 years old. I recently placed my 15-month old daughter for adoption. I was heart-broken but as it turned out it was a great decision – especially for my daughter.
Now I had to deal with not having childcare on top of everything else. I quit working to stay home because I didn’t have a choice. Being a single mother of three children and not working wasn’t a long-term plan. Something had to change. In the back of my mind I kept thinking that adoption may be the best choice for all of us.
I love my daughter and really wanted what was best for her. At first, I couldn’t find an adoption solution that I thought would work. Then I came across Graceful Adoptions’ website. I had a better vibe from them. They were more supportive and they cared for all parties – specifically the birth mother and the child. They understood how hard it is to make the decision to place a child. Our discussions were focused on me and my children, not their agency. If I had a concern, they listened and tried to understand the problem and help to solve it. When I talked to other adoption agencies, they just told me about their agency, it was never about me and my children.
I reviewed family profiles and interviewed several families that were exactly what I was looking for. After meeting one family in person, I knew they were the right choice for my daughter. She immediately went to them and a bond between them formed quickly. We had a really good visit together, getting to know each other while seeing some local sites like an aquarium and Lego Land. Our visit confirmed my decision. They bonded with her from the beginning, but also offered me help with my two boys. I liked their personalities and were able to see them interact with my daughter and my other children. It was obvious that they were a good fit for her because she usually cries around new people, but she didn’t cry around them at all.
We started the transition plan which is designed to transfer my daughter’s care from me to the adoptive parents. They got to learn what she likes and doesn’t like, her feeding and sleep schedule, and I helped them understand what she needs and is used to. For me, it gave me the confidence that her new parents could provide her the care she needed after they left. I knew that my daughter was in great arms, loved, and cherished.
It hasn’t been that long since she left with her new parents, but everyone’s life has improved. I have a job again working full-time, I’m able to focus on my boys, and I’m not so stressed any more. I know my daughter is in a better environment, her life is going to be a lot better than what it would have been. This is the best decision that I could have made for her.
Anyone considering adoption should think about it before you do it. It’s emotionally hard. Think about your support system and if have one, you should be okay being a parent. If not, then you should consider adoption and Graceful Adoptions. They really care about you and your child. They will sit for hours and talk to you on the phone. I don’t know what I would have done without their support. Graceful Adoptions is very supportive through the adoption process and afterwards. They do an excellent job!
Megan M
Kansas City, MO